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।।आत्महत्या हत्या करनेवाला मनुष्य अज्ञान और अंधकार से भरे, सूर्य के प्रकाश से हीन, असूर्य नामक लोक को जाते हैं।। |
The present-day suicides are not only more in number but also the most unfortunate because these suicides are taking place without proper understanding of the reasons behind the same. Most of them are due to impulsive and quick decisions which are not based on the principles of Vedic philosophy and which have been repeated in the scriptures again and again as a big sin (MAHA PAPA).
Therefore, you require spiritual knowledge to understand the philosophy of life and this total creation. People do not understand that God is always with us even when we are in sound health.
Suicide is one of the most dangerous and fatal diseases in the world. It is said that suicide is the cause of 80% of the pain that is caused because of the self-inflicting injury.
Suicide has become so common in our current society that it is ranked as the second leading cause of death among young adults. The results of a suicide impact, not just those who have taken their life, but family members and friends as well. To understand why so many people consider suicide, I have done some research and what I found was pretty shocking. In one article, the writer stated that a child is abused every 17 seconds; 1 out of 5 children are sexually abused before the age of 18; 1 out of every 5 teenage girls is a victim of rape or attempted rape; 6 out of 10 female victims were stalked by their attacker either before or after the attack; 3,000 women are killed by husbands or boyfriends every year.
Suicide as per Vedas and Puranas
Suicide is a bad idea as per Vedic and Puranic texts.
In the Vedas, it is said to live till hundred years at least. This is considered as a blessing of God to live till hundred years. It is said in the sutras that one should take care of his health and should not die before hundred years. It says that you should attain until such age where you can read, write, hear and talk. If you have any defect in these activities, then you should not die without taking proper treatment. Even after taking proper treatment also you should be alive till hundred years if possible.
Suicide, which is called in Sanskrit as "Atmahatya" is considered a crime. The person who commits suicide, his next birth becomes dark and the next birth takes place on a planet where there is no virtue. The living beings are subject to death and rebirth. It has been said that human life takes birth after many lives and in such a way to lose meaninglessness is foolishness and crime. In Hinduism, it is considered to be a crime to commit suicide. Various aspects of life have been described in Vedas and Puranas. According to Garuda Purana, all forms of life and death have been described in detail. In every religion, suicide is considered to be reproachable because according to religion human life is found after many lives in such a way to lose meaninglessness is foolishness and crime.
The principles of self-love have been described in Vedas so that no one can commit suicide. People will choose suicide when they do not have self-confidence and become unhappy without reason.
Suicide is prohibited in Hinduism. According to the Rig Veda, "Thou shalt not kill, nor cause to kill." (X:10, 116). Killing oneself is equated with killing others and the soul is seen as immortal. According to the Manusmriti, "He who quits his body by taking poison, or a sword, or a noose, goes to hell. He who departs this life by starvation does not at once obtain bliss" (chapter XIV, p. 108). In contrast to the generally negative view of suicide in ancient times, there were some notable exceptions. For example, when Anandabhadeva was forced into exile by his opponents and faced an invasion by an enemy army, he chose to end his life rather than surrender and see his teachings destroyed. Even here though, the act was not viewed as a sin but rather as a courageous rejection of a life of slavery under an enemy king.
Suicide is a very serious matter. A person committing suicide will not only go to hell after death but also the sin of murdering one human being is equivalent to the sin of murdering entire humanity.
You are killing yourself in the hope that you will be born again and have a better life. This is foolishness. You have now destroyed your present life, which was given to you by God. In any case, it is God's wish whether or not you have a better life in your next birth. If you had such thoughts, you should have approached a true Guru who would have told you about this. And if you had done that, you would have been saved from all these troubles and sins. Suicide just because of unhappiness in this birth is not a rational act at all. You must be very careful. All souls will go to heaven after death where there is no unhappiness and all people are equally rich and happy.
The Veda says that a soul committing suicide will fall into hell. Suicide is equivalent to murdering somebody else. Therefore, the torture experienced by your soul in suicide is one part of the sin. The other part of the sin is that you are forcibly missing the opportunity given by God to derive happiness in this life sanctioned by God.
The purpose of your life is not only to enjoy. It is also to remove unhappiness from the world and make this world a happier place to live. Indeed, people around you may not accept you for what you are and they may do injustice against you. At such times it is very easy to get frustrated and think of committing suicide as an option. But suicide is an absolute no under any circumstances. In some countries, they prescribe drugs for such people to get over their depression. They also have a helpline number where these people can talk about their situation and feelings to a professional counselor and they can seek support from them.
Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the US. It is a modern-day plague, affecting all kinds of people regardless of gender, class, education, or ethnic background. There is no single reason for suicide as it varies from one person to another. However, in general, it can be caused due to depression, frustration, anger, addiction, and so on. In India, suicide has been an ancient problem. It is mentioned as one of the 10 misdeeds in the Vedas under the name of ‘Pratritvegah’. The Puranas also talk about the same mentioning King Harishchandra who committed suicide under a curse by Sun God.
Suicide is one of the vices condemned by the world. But many people feel that suicide is a way to escape from the torture of life. But this is not the true solution to life and society. Suicide is never the way to end life. It is seen in the ancient scripts, which prohibit this act of suicide. Suicide should be penalized by society in various ways.
But from the philosophical point of view, suicide is also not justified. Life has two components, viz., physical and mental. Suicide attempts can never save us from heavy mental tortures caused by problems of life. In such a situation, there are two ways to come out of it. One is to face it like a man and make all efforts to solve it and the second one is to get the proper guidance from the Spiritual Guru who can remove all these defects with proper instructions on Veda Marga.
Garuda|Lord Vishnu conversation
Garuda: Why did you create death?
Vishnu: To balance the good and bad of life. People are not grateful for their human birth, so I created a natural death at the end of the life span. By the time one reaches old age, one will have to experience poverty, painful illnesses, and many sufferings. They will understand why I created death.
"Garuda Purana": There is a dialogue between Lord Vishnu and Garuda in the "Garuda Purana" which says that once Lord Vishnu asked Garuda whether he always meditated on him. Garuda replied that he did meditate on him for hours together. Vishnu asked him why he was still unhappy because he did not get a human body yet. Garuda said he was not unhappy but he wanted to have a human body so that he could also see the universe and meditate on Vishnu for years together.
Vishnu said, "Oh Garuda, you are already immortal but you want to go through the cycle of birth and death for millions of births to attain Moksha. It is very difficult to get a human birth."