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Kundalini Awakening |
As a spiritual blogger, I use my experiences to help others understand that life is meant to be experienced joyfully. I connect with people who are looking for guidance and support on their spiritual journeys, guided by The Bhagwad Puran and The Hinduism tradition.
The Kundalini Awakening experience is one of self-discovery and is for those who are ready to embrace the unlimited potential within. Whether you are looking to deepen your spiritual connection, have a more meaningful and fulfilling relationship with the Divine, or improve your health and well-being - this course is for you.
The process of the Kundalini Awakening will enhance your experience of yoga and make you a more positive person in your daily life. This course aims to help you to reach your full potential in life, which can be achieved only when one realizes his true inner self.
Kundalini Awakening is a remarkably powerful spiritual experience. In the yoga world, it is spiritual enlightenment. It is something that devoted yogis and practitioners spend many years preparing for and working towards.
The best way to understand Kundalini Awakening is to look at it from a scientific point of view. Kundalini Awakening activates your pineal gland; your third eye. This pineal gland is located in the middle of your brain, and it's responsible for producing melatonin, which regulates your sleep pattern. You will begin to feel active during the night, not just in deep meditation at midday. Your pineal gland will excrete serotonin to such an extent that it raises your consciousness and opens your psychic abilities. There are hundreds of yogis who have claimed that the Kundalini Awakening has allowed them to perform psychic acts such as telekinesis and even materialization. In Tibet, they call it the "Rainbow Body".
The term Kundalini Awakening is being thrown around a lot these days, most often by people who have no idea what exactly it means. Many people think they are having a Kundalini Awakening when they are just waking up to the fact that their life has been missing something and they are ready to begin searching for more meaning in their life.
This desire to awaken, to find meaning beyond the material world, has always been present in humans. It is the reason we have been working on the Earth for as long as we have. There has always existed an underlying desire in humans to be more than just what our physical bodies allow us to be. This desire leads humans on a lifelong journey towards awakening.
How to awaken kundalini Energy
When we talk about the power of kundalini energy we should understand that this is a very misunderstood topic. People, who are not well-versed with kundalini energy, often think that kundalini energy is something evil or something dangerous for the body.
The true nature of kundalini energy can be explained more easily. The people who are familiar with yoga and meditation know that the source of kundalini energy is the chakra system which is located in the center of the spine. It is said that when one understands how to activate and work with these energies then they can achieve great inner power.
The wrong methods of awakening kundalini energy can be dangerous for the person. It is best to work with someone who knows how to work with such energies.
The main aim of awakening kundalini energy is to achieve spiritual growth.
The path of awakening our kundalini energy is not an easy one. It takes a lot of discipline, like any other type of spiritual practice. With that said, there are a few ways you can awaken your kundalini energy without even having a dedicated regimen to it.
Awakening of kundalini energy through meditation and positive thinking.
Kundalini is one of the subtle energy (Sukshma shakti) which is inside every human being which comes to the surface through the practice of meditation. The energy is coiled up at the base of the spine in the sacral chakra and this status of energy can change with the practice of meditation.
It is said that it is awakened when all other energies are awakened. The subtle energy rises through the spinal column during the practice of meditation leading to enlightenment. The process of enlightenment has stages, once the Kundalini rises a little way up through the chakras certain signs appear.
Once raised all the way, total enlightenment takes place. There are many methods to awaken kundalini energy in terms of the practice of meditation and movements.
Attaining enlightenment or Self-Realization is a great blessing that makes our life successful and successful in achieving our goals.
Signs of kundalini awakening
Being clear about whether you are experiencing these signs as a means to develop your spiritual awareness or as a result of awakening your kundalini is an important part of the process. With that said, it can still be a lot to sift through and discern and you may notice some overlap between the two. Take time to get quiet and connect with your body and mind.
Understanding the signs of a kundalini awakening can be vital to helping you stay centered and understand what is occurring with your body. It is important to recognize the symptoms and understand that you are not going crazy.
The symptoms associated with kundalini awakening include an increased heart rate, shortness of breath, a sensation of heat in the body, trembling, jerking facial muscles, anxiety, irregular breathing, sweating, feeling that your skin is crawling or vibrating, a feeling of inner electricity or heat, numbness and tingling in the spine and extremities, cold sweat, high body temperature, fever or chills.
These symptoms may manifest as mental illness or maybe misdiagnosed as some form of mental illness if one does not realize the symptoms are caused by the awakening of kundalini energy. The symptoms can also be treated as a mental disorder if doctors do not recognize that it is part of the process of kundalini awakening.
The following is a list of symptoms experienced by those in the beginning stages of kundalini awakening:
- Body Temperature Changes (sometimes hot sometimes cold)
- Headaches
- Eye Problems
- Brought on by Relaxation
- Insomnia
- Rapid Heartbeat
- Thoughts Racing Through Mind
- Increased Intuition
- Increased Empathy
Benefits of kundalini awakening
So, you are getting so many benefits because of the kundalini awakening that you cannot imagine. You can get the maximum benefits by reaching the level. Below we have listed the top benefits that you will get by undergoing this process.
One thing is sure that if you are turning to tantra as a part of your spiritual path, then it will benefit you in more ways than you can imagine. If you are interested in developing your skills and improving your life, then you need to learn the techniques as fast as possible. This process is known to bring energy and vitality to your body. If you want to feel more light in your body and mind along with more creativity and focus, then this is the best process for you. And it will also help you to improve your relationships and communication skills to a great extent.
Knowledge is power and this is one thing that you will be able to get by undergoing this process.
Is meditation transforming people and changing lives?
The ancient science of meditation was used in many religions to transform people and spiritual development. People who meditate go through an awakening process called kundalini rising.
There are many other benefits of meditation and spiritual development. But by far the most important is that you can transform your life. I'm not talking about merely a better car or better relationships, I'm talking about the real stuff.
Fulness, happiness, health, freedom from fear, and peace of mind that cannot be found anywhere else.
What triggers the Kundalini Awakening?
Kundalini awakens through many years of hard work and dedication.
Kundalini awakens spontaneously. You are not actively working to achieve awakening nor are you mentally preparing yourself but somehow, awakening is triggered.
A Kundalini Awakening is a spiritual awakening of the human body.
Several Yoga texts describe various circumstances in which Kundalini Awakening can occur. The two major ones are spontaneous kundalini awakening and intentional kundalini awakening.
A lot of people say that Kundalini awakens either spontaneously or through a mental process. Which is the case?
A "waking up" kundalini is indeed a spontaneous awakening. It can be experienced with meditation but ultimately, it is not triggered by meditation. When the chakras begin to open up, you may or may not have a feeling about it. If you do, it might feel like an internal massage or a gentle rolling sensation in your body.
If you are experiencing kundalini awakening symptoms, it does not necessarily mean that you are having a spontaneous awakening. You may still be in the preparation phase.
Less common but still possible are spontaneous awakenings which are sudden and happen while doing everything from work to leisure activities and occur without any mental alertness towards this result.
The third-party that can trigger kundalini awakening is something completely beyond your control. Suppose you have been working hard on your spiritual practice, with strict discipline, and following the guru’s guidance, but kundalini does not awaken. You feel you have exhausted all possible methods to awaken kundalini.
Imagine if you got severely ill one day, or worse, died at that moment, kundalini would naturally awaken on its own because the body is no longer there to support the mind. Mind and body are two components that make up the self. So if one of them is gone, then the self is gone too. What else can be left? It’s these sort of life-threatening situations that can trigger kundalini awakening.
The guru and Satsang (meditation gatherings) are designed to make you mentally prepared.