Spirituality Doesn't Come From Religion: How To Find It In Yourself

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"Spirituality is an inherent quality of the mind or consciousness, Religion comes with heredity"

Several people mix spirituality and religion, and as a result, they bring their religious ideas and beliefs into debates about spirituality. Though spiritualism is emphasized in many religions, you can be "spiritual" without being religious or a member of organized religion.

Spirituality is the attempt by an individual or a group to meet and undergo the presence of God, other persons, and the cosmic world to come into a community of life and celebration with them. The generic and specific disciplines and habits that develop from this become the basis for various spiritualities. Stripped to its root, spirituality can be spoken of as a discipline to which someone submits. For example, in Hinduism, we call ourselves devotees of Krishna, Shiv, etc. The word discipleship takes its root in the word discipline. A disciple is someone who puts herself under discipline. Hinduism and Buddhism call this yoga. To be a practicing Hindu or Buddhist you need to be practicing a certain spiritual discipline, which they term yoga. And that's what constitutes any religious practice. All religious practice is a question of putting oneself under a certain discipline (which makes you a disciple). But we can distinguish among various religious disciplines.

Why are spirituality and religion often confused?

Some people claim that because spirituality and religion are similar in one way, they are similar in another way as well. In the strictest sense, these are correct. Religion in the strictest sense is a broad term referring to religions, which generally follow a different approach to spirituality, in particular, whether or not they believe in God. These are called monotheistic religions. In the most general sense, spirituality and religion are linked because both terms refer to the lack of duality in nature. This duality is responsible for certain characteristics of human life, including consciousness and introspection. Monotheistic religions assert that God is the same thing as everything else, the only difference being who is God.

Spirituality without religion

If spirituality is something you're interested in, how do you find it? There are many spiritual paths, and it's best to work out which one is right for you. As far as I'm concerned, I'm a natural philosopher who enjoys spending time in nature, with a home that includes meditation and yoga. I don't feel there is anything particularly spiritual about the chemicals I'm put through to look at objects in the brain, but if you have doesn't, then that's cool too. It's about finding what works for you and then keeping it that way. If you are on the lookout for spirituality, here are a few suggestions to help you get started.

Which one of these spiritualities is best for you? 

That depends upon your temperament that's particular vocation and call, and your circumstance within life. One size doesn't fit all. Just as each snowflake is different from every other snowflake, so too with us. God gives us different gifts and different callings and life puts us in different situations. They say the book you need to read finds you and finds you at the exact time that you need to read it. That's true too for spiritualities. The one you need will find you and will find you at the exact time when you need it.

How can one find spirituality in oneself?

Numerous people believe that spirituality is an inherent quality of the mind or consciousness.


There are many different ways to live your life. It is about finding a way that is right for you and having faith in it. If you've found a way that works for you, then continue to develop your way of life and don't let anyone tell you that you're doing it wrong. What do you think of people who want to limit the scope of spirituality to a specific religious viewpoint? What do you think of spirituality as a term, when it has no definitive meaning?